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lam poetry, rap battles, singing, song writing and drumming. Iyeoka (read: ee-yo-kah) is well versed in many expressive arts, but in essence she is a storyteller and poet. “My goal is very simple”, says the US Nigerian American, “I want to move the world, one poem at a time”. She does this enchantingly well with her album “Say Yes (R)evolved”. In poems set to music Iyeoka Ivie Okoawo (her full name) reveals herself to be a strong, self-confident woman of the modern world. She tells tales of love and relationships in the 21st century and philosophizes about the daily struggle of life and being a woman in a post-feminist world digging deeply and personally into her African roots.
1. Broken Heart Anthem (Walk Away)
2. The Yellow Brick Road Song, Feat. Bcap
3. Breakdown Mode
4. Simply Falling
5. Soundtrack To Life
6. This Time Around
7. Say Yes
8. Millionaire, Feat. Bcap
9. Testify, Feat. Bcap
10. Happily Ever After
11. Baba